Rainbow CDC is staffed with professionals who bring education and experience in the field of early childhood education. This combination of assets is necessary to produce an atmosphere of learning and quality care. Teacher-to-child ratios are always maintained at high-quality levels, often at far better levels than required by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Opportunities for teachers’ professional and personal growth are encouraged by the administration and in-service training is provided.
Owner/Administrator: Eileen Hanley
Director: Doreen Bicoy
Assistant Director: Laurie Dorgan
Rainbow CDC campus is made up of three buildings on approximately three acres located in Centreville, Virginia. A state of the art playground with equipment is located behind the main building which is accessible to all of the students. An indoor gymnasium is utilized throughout the year for play and classes like Little Sports and dance to enhance gross motor skills.
Parking for pick up and drop off is provided for in the front and sides of the school. Parking is not allowed in the front of the main building for it will impede the flow of traffic and is a significant fire hazard.
Hours of operation: Monday —Friday 6.30 a.m. — 6:30 p.m.